We have been home a month now! Lila is doing great--adding more food to her "will eat list". We started her out on stage 1 babyfood and have now progressed to stage 2 with snacks of vanilla wafers and baby cheese puffs!She will eat any babyfood fruit but only sweet potatoes and squash babyfood veggies. sounds like she has a sweet tooth! I can't complain though because I was prepared for the worst with feeding and she is progressing right along! According to my scale she has gained 2 lbs in a month! We took her to to the International Adoption clinic at UAB--they did bloodwork and gave her a full examination. She is a little underweight but otherwise checks out fine!
She is attaching to us--and we are totally attached to her! She sleeps with Darren and I right now to help with the bonding (good excuse anyway!)--we love snuggling with her. It is great having a baby around the house again! She keeps me running though and whew! gets into everything!!! She acts like she has always been with us--I am so proud of her and how far she has come in 1 month. I look into those dark eyes and I don't see that sadness anymore--her eyes sparkle now. But with what she has had to deal with and overcome in her short life has made me realize even at 15 mths she is a stronger person than me. We feel blessed to have her in our life!
Her 3 older brothers have totally spoiled her rotten! By all means she deserves it! She even has this little drama queen cry/whine --you know the kind with no tears---but she knows one or all of her brothers will come running and pick her up. She gets excited when one of them comes in the room because it is play time! They twirl her around and bounce her up and down--she will have the biggest grin on her face--I'm trying to get a picture of it. But here a few pictures of this past month home....and yes that is a pink Alabama football jersey!
Introducing Lila Hope Thompson

Our baby girl (referral picture)
We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.
But those who make their journey home across time and miles,
growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,
are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us
by God's very own hands.
Kristi Larson
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
We are home!
Well after a full 24 hours of travel, we are finally home! By the way Lila did great! In my opinion everyone on the big 14 hour flight should have given Lila a round of applause--she could have made the trip miserable for everyone and she did not!!
We all have jet lag once again. Tougher this time because Lila is so young. She is trying to get adjusted to instantly having a big family with 3 brothers, a niece, and 2 sets of grandparents. Not to mention aunts and uncles on both sides. Right now she is pretty scared and fussy. I am glad we had 2 weeks to bond before coming home....
I am anxious for everyone to get to know that cute, funny personality we were getting to know.
I will post some pictures of her being home soon. Have to take some first!
We all have jet lag once again. Tougher this time because Lila is so young. She is trying to get adjusted to instantly having a big family with 3 brothers, a niece, and 2 sets of grandparents. Not to mention aunts and uncles on both sides. Right now she is pretty scared and fussy. I am glad we had 2 weeks to bond before coming home....
I am anxious for everyone to get to know that cute, funny personality we were getting to know.
I will post some pictures of her being home soon. Have to take some first!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Almost there!
Well Lila has had her medical checkup --she checked out just fine. Thank goodness as this is a requirement/another step to finish the adoption and enter the US. We visited the Guangzhou Zoo which was very large and nice--also has a panda bear that was asleep so really didn't get to see! We did see some red panda though. We have been shopping on Shaiman Island where stuff is just dirt cheap! i got her some shoes for like
$3.oo each! This is a pic of us on Shaiman Island. I can not even begin to tell you how hot and humid it is here. I didn't think anything was more humid than Alabama but this has got that beat by a long shot! We were soaked within just a few mins outside! We have our American Consulate appointment at 7:45 am wednesday to take the oath and obtain Lila's visa/passport--the last and final step! This is what this whole stay has been leading up to! We will take a train on thursday for HongKong (a 3 hr train ride) and then our flight leaves friday morning at 9:20. We arrive home friday afternoon--as we are traveling back in time! That is neat--it would appear to be just a 8 hr flight--but actually it is 15 hrs from HongKong to detroit--we have a 3 hr layover in Detroit then 2 hr flight to B'ham! I got Lila a few cute traditional chinese outfits--these are few pictures.
$3.oo each! This is a pic of us on Shaiman Island. I can not even begin to tell you how hot and humid it is here. I didn't think anything was more humid than Alabama but this has got that beat by a long shot! We were soaked within just a few mins outside! We have our American Consulate appointment at 7:45 am wednesday to take the oath and obtain Lila's visa/passport--the last and final step! This is what this whole stay has been leading up to! We will take a train on thursday for HongKong (a 3 hr train ride) and then our flight leaves friday morning at 9:20. We arrive home friday afternoon--as we are traveling back in time! That is neat--it would appear to be just a 8 hr flight--but actually it is 15 hrs from HongKong to detroit--we have a 3 hr layover in Detroit then 2 hr flight to B'ham! I got Lila a few cute traditional chinese outfits--these are few pictures.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
We went shopping today at Liwan Plaza--a mall that local people visit. It's not the overpriced tourist attractions. Really great prices--esp on traditional chinese dresses which I got Lila 3! Different sizes as she grows. Also most pearls come from here --south china. so those prices are good also as well as jade. Jade mines are located in south china and I believe our guide told us Jade mines are only in china. It was alot of fun but very exhausting. There are alot of people in china--and I think about 1 million were at the mall today! But Lila did great--she is getting more nd more used to us and is showing more of her personality everyday. She even walked back and forth from Darren and I! Very touching moment--she is developing quickly! Now if we can just get her on solid food! We will worry about that when we get home. I do offer her whatever I am eating and sometimes she will give it a lick--so that's a beginning. These are pictures of the shopping mall and random pictures of Lila playing this morning. You can see the happiness coming to her eyes.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Her growing personality
Lila shows us everday a little bit more of her personality. Today she is following us crawling from room to room wherever we are. she is more playful--laughing at us. She is beginning to make noises and fuss when she is not happy. she is also finally starting to take her formula bottle--praise God!! We were so worried about her--she was grieving and had shut down, which we were told kids from orphanages would do. But she has started taking her bottle again!! Our hearts have been broken for her and what she must be going through at such a young age......But we now see flashes of happiness in those big dark eyes--she has a while to go but it is a start. She has not had any solid food in her 14 months of life--as well as some developmental delays which is normal for these kids. She will catch up quickly though--she already has. She is pulling herself up on the furniture and is now playing ball with me. In the beginning she would not even acknowledge we were in the room--now she is playing with us. We treasure being a part of these "firsts" with her and helping her through it. These are some pictures of Lila playing. Also a picture of her living her new good life--asleep in comfy bed with an empty bottle beside her!! More to come of that baby girl!! We went today to the medical clinic here to have her checked out--which is a requirement for her to enter the US. So one more step behind us! We are waiting on her passport and have our American Consulate appt on thursday--which is where she is sworn in as an American citizen. We hold her hand up and recite the pledge of allegience for her! That will be an awesome day! She officially becomes a citizen though when her feet touch US soil!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Getting to know Lila
We are getting to know Lila a little more each day. She is having a little bit of a rough start--grieving the only life she has known for 14 months. We look different from absolutely everyone here and we speak a different language--I can only imagine how scary that would be for even an adult! She doesn't know yet that we are planning on spoiling her--although i did buy her first piece of bling today. A little bracelet that she picked up and fussed when i took it from her--so I bought it and she wore it all day looking at it! She is a beautiful little girl who I can tell has alot of love to give! Today we visited the Chen family Temple--beautiful place. Here a few pictures of the temple and some more of Lila as we get to know her.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Introducing Lila!!
Whew--glad to be back online. Not sure what happened but we are back and I want to introduce Lila Hope Song Thompson!! Right now she is one scared little girl but I know all that will change very soon. From last night until this afternoon we are already catching glimpses of her personality. She is beginning to smile when we tease her--my heart aches at what she is having to adjust to--it will be a better life but she does not know that yet. We have taken her away from what she does know--she is grieving. But we will just keep hugging and kissing and giving her lots of food. She will warm up soon! i can't wait to see her personality--the orphanage director described her as outgoing, active, plays well with others and he couldn't think of a single thing that makes her angry. He said he has only seen her happy. He said she is walking but only with assistance that I can see. She does crawl well though. We went today for an interview with officials who asked us if we will love her as much as our biological kids and give her a good life, good education and never abandon her. Of course we answered wholeheartedly with a yes! We then had our picture made with her for their files as officially matched! We are going tomorrow afternoon and applying for her a passport to come home. We can't wait for that day! She has no idea how large of a family she has!! The pictures above are from shortly after the orphanage director brought her out to us. There was a room full of people all getting their babies--lots of tears from children and adoptive parents who have been waiting years for this moment.
Friday, August 26, 2011
We are celebrities!
Today, while out sightseeing, we noticed more and more people watching us, taking pics and even video taping us! Once we were resting for a min and talking with our guide, there was a group of women standing in front of us--I didn't pay much attention at first until one just came up and stood next to us having her pic made. After I saw what was going on they all wanted their pic made with me!! Can you believe that--their pic made with me? Also took a pic of a man who was meditating I think- but he stayed in this awkward position for at least 30 mins that we noticed. I thought he was going to the bathroom but was not!These are some pictures of The Forbidden City and Summer Palace both with rich rich histories going back 900 hundred years! Even the trees go back hundreds of years!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Aargh! Jet lag
Oh the jet lag is awful! our days and nights are mixed up---It is 5:45 am on 8/26 and I did not sleep a wink last night! But I'm sure I will be ready for sleep in a couple of hours! We went to the Great Wall yesterday---absolutely breathtaking!! Pictures don't really do it justice--we also went to the Olympic area and took pictures of those buildings as well. The best part of the trip so far was touring the Hutongs--they are alleyways where people live and shop--it is "old Beijing"---hundreds of years old and the living areas have been with the same families for that long too. The culture is very interesting to say the least! And the driving is nothing like you have ever seen!! There are as many bicycles on the road as cars--all sharing the same road--we almost hit several! There are no traffic lights so cars just pull out and change lanes when they want not whether there is a car there or not--no one uses turn signals or seatbelts! Our guide said there are on average 300 fenderbenders a day--with some biclyclers being hit everyday as well!! As you can see it was foggy and raining at The Great Wall but was still beautiful--it was a very steep climb up the wall. The wall was built directly on the lay of the land and it is mountainous! It was also chilly so I had to get a sweatshirt--nice change from home! Today we are going to the Forbidden City, Tiannemen Square ( I know I didn't spell that right) and Summer Palace! And tomorrow we leave for Guangzhou and get Lila on Monday!!! Yaaayyy--it's getting closer!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
We are here
We are finally here in Beijing!!! That was a horribly long plane ride---but we made it!! Arrived in Beijing at about 10 pm. By the time we went through Immigration, got our luggage, found our guide and arrived at the hotel---it was midnight (China time). About lunchtime your time!! So it has been something like over 24 hrs with no sleep! But after a nice sleep last night--we are up and ready for the Great Wall!!! Our guide is great by the way==his English is very good and he will be with us until Saturday when we catch yet another flight for Guangzhou, China--where we will meet Lila!!! So far everyone is very nice and very cordial!!! And most people here in Beijing anyway can speak some English! Our hotel is gorgeous and comfortable--speaking of that it is breakfast time!!! I will check back in tonight with pics hopefully.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tomorrow's the day!!
We leave tomorrow morning for China!!! Hip Hip Hooray!! WooHoo!! We finally get to bring Lila home! After almost 2 years of hard work and planning--we are there. I never thought this day would come! Now--I am scared to death!! This is our first time to travel abroad and it is very scary. We are about as prepared as we can be----just counting down the hours! Stay tuned there's more to come in the next few days!
Bon Voyage!!
Bon Voyage!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Six days and counting!!
We have 6 days until we leave for China! I know in comparison to how long we have waited thus far--6 days is nothing----but it feels like forever!! I am so anxious to finally meet and hold Lila---but it also breaks my heart for her- knowing what lies ahead. She has not been planning anything like we have for almost 2 years --she will wake up on 8/29 (gotcha day) just like every other day but it will not be like every other day....... although her situation will be much better--she does not know that so she will be very scared and it breaks my heart for her. I pray that God is preparing her heart for us and the very large extended family she will be a part of!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Planning the trip
We made our plane reservations today--we leave 8/23 at 10:03 am and after many stops, including a layover in Tokyo Japan, we arrive in Beijing at 10:30 pm on 8/24. We will sightsee in Beijing for 2 days. We are definitely going to the Great Wall and Forbidden city--also a few other places. Whatever we can squeeze into 2 days! On 8/27 we fly to Guangdong Province which is in Southern China--close to the South China Sea. We will stay in Guangzhou--the capital of Guangdong and also where the American Consulate is located. We are lucky that she is in the Province where we have to end up any way!! Most go to their child's Province and then have to fly again to Guangzhou to wrap everything up at the American Consulate. We finally get Lila on 8/29!!! Her orphanage is 3 hours from where we are staying. Hopefully, if the orphanage gives us permission, we will be able to visit and see where Lila spent the first 14 months of her life. Most are able to visit. We are in Guangzhou until 9/7 which is when our Consulate appointment is--we have to stay for 24 hrs then take a train to Hong Kong which is not far from where we are staying and on 9/9 begin our journey home!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Travel Approval!!
Hip hip Hooray!! WooHoo!! We received both our travel approval and Consulate appointment today!! Travel approval is China saying it is okay to enter the country for the purpose of adoption. Our consulate appointment is the day we go to the American Consulate and Lila officially becomes our daughter!!! The consulate appointment is the basis for what day we will travel. It is also the last day we are there. Before then we have more paperwork, Lila has to get checked out medically at a clinic and did I say more paperwork?! So we have to be in her Province (Guangdong) on 8/27 and our "gotcha day" is 8/29--our Consulate appointment is 9/7--we have to stay for a day after the Consulate Appointment (not sure why) but we will come home 9/9. We actually will depart B'ham on 8/23 to arrive in Beijing late on 8/24. We will visit the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Hutong tours and whatever else we can squeeze into 2 days--then off to Guangdong Province by plane again! We will have a guide/translator the whole time we are there. Oh there is so much more but I will save that for another post!! Once again I must say we are so thankful God chose us to love and care for one of his children! I guess he knew how loved/spoiled a little girl would be in our house!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Article 5
Our Article 5 letter was picked up on 8/3!! Woohoo!! That letter states everything clear to complete the adoption and Lila can enter and live in the US. Now we are waiting on our Travel Approval from China---then we leave to get our baby girl!!! We are so excited and sooooo ready to bring her home! It has been long enough!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Still Waiting........Inpatiently
We are still waiting........and the anxiety is building...... I feel like someone who is 9 months pregnant and waiting to go into labor any day now!! Her room is almost finished and as soon as it is I will post a pic! Last night I bought diapers, wipes, lotion and another toy for her. Please, please let our TA (travel approval) come soon!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Lila's Birthday pictures!!!

Soooo our Lila turned 1 on 6/25/2011! My heart is aching because we were not there or her with us on this very special day! But Ann, at Red Thread, once again put together a great care package for her. It included this cake, which looks yummy by the way, a letter translated from us, a disposable camera and a toy. We received these pics about a week or so ago. She is just so stinkin cute!! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks!
We also moved through another step in this process----Our I800A (request to classify adoptee as immediate family) was processed, approved and cabled to the Consulate in Guangzhou, China. So we are awaiting our Article 5 and then Travel Approval!!!
We are just about finished with her room---and are now getting her some clothes, hairbows, toys and a car seat. I am having so much fun and thank God everyday for blessing us with a beautiful daughter and bringing us on this journey.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
My first entry

These are updated pictures of Lila from April 2011
We have been on this journey for 15 months now. I thought it was finally time to create a way to share this last leg of our journey. For the past 15 months we have done a mountain of paperwork, have been fingerprinted twice, have had 2 sets of background checks (state and federal), have gone to the doctor twice to show we are healthy, have taken our other kids to the doctor to show they are healthy, have gotten referral letters from family, coworkers, priest and local police dept to show we are responsible members of society, have taken our pets to the vet to show they have all had their shots, and met with Amy, our socialworker, 4 times for her to pick our brain and determine if we would be capable of parenting an adopted child. This is commonly called paperchasing with the purpose of putting together a dossier --which in turn gets sent to China. There is ALOT involved in that simple statement listed above "a mountain of paperwork"---at times we felt so overwhelmed at the paperwork---constantly worried about doing something wrong and having to start over. But God led us down this path and he has stayed with us. At times when I feel like my heart is going to explode with anxiety/worry---I have to remind myself that it all happens in God's time. She will join our family when she is suppose to join our family. You see, the chinese believe that an invisible red thread connects family members who are to be together and as time goes by the thread gets shorter and shorter.
We started in April 2010 and our dossier was sent to China in February 2011. We got our referral in March 2011 and saw our daughter for the first time! Her Chinese name is Jiang SongKong. Her DOB is 6/25/2010. She was 9 mths at time of referral. Jiang is her surname and is also the first part of the orphanage name where she currently lives---Jiangcheng Social Welfare Institute. Kong would actually be what she is called. She is in Yangjiang City which is in Guangdong Province. The Province is comparable to our states. This is all located in Southern China about an hour from the South China Sea. Very tropical humid area. If you are looking at a map this is very very close to Taiwain and Vietnam. The doctor at UAB's International Adoption Clinic, who reviewed her medical file for us, said people from this area have a little darker skin and larger eyes. She thinks because their is a large migrant worker population in this area. There are several different languages spoke in China--the most common being Mandarin. This area happens to speak Cantonese. There is a river near her city as well--so alot of the people are fishermen. There is also a huge knife factory in Yangjiang City that makes most of the knives we sell in America i.e, Chicago Cutlery, Ginsu, etc. Pearls and jade are also popular in this area.
I know this probably very boring for any adoptive families that might be following this but we do have lots of friends and family that are experiencing this for the first time with us. So please bear with me.
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